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  • Project Funding project

Project Funding and Grants

We have taken the pains to outline the funding guidelines for you

Do your Research first

• Establish the need for your idea. • Find out if the statistics and other relevant information in the field bring you out. • Is the implementation of this idea consistent with your anticipated vision, objective and mission. • Will it advance your core goals and afford you global relevance • Does your proposal duplicate other efforts in the community or does it amplify them.

Identify possible Collaborators

We help bring you into network with potential investors and collaborators as we interface with other agencies that could make your idea stronger or make it reach father. This advantages plays out as we negotiate with the big providers in the field where your idea proceeds from.

Understand the Investors internal Process

The role of the Board of Directors, the role of staff, Internal merit process and functional time line are some detailed guidelines necessary to understand the funding partner’s internal grant processes and prerequisites to obtain these funds for as much as we try to breach the gap between you and potential investors.

This platform affords members the opportunity to interact and fine-tune their brilliant business ideas into a selling point agenda so as to leverage the outstanding privileges made possible by the funding and investors group of Abosom

Abosom also interacts with other donor agencies across the board in providing these privileged to its esteemed members by networking and sharing to collaborate and improve upon new frontiers where the funds can flow.

To qualify for the investors grant scheme, one needs to be a registered member of Abosom in order to benefit from this amazing opportunity
